Solving a potential DNS Scavenging Mess!
I used to work for a company that had a very large AD-Integrated DNS zone with more than 100,000 A records in it. We, the Engineering team, decided to enable DNS Scavenging in the zone to delete the stale records. In other words, records that for one reason or another, would not update themselves and the Timestamp was already older than what we wanted. We had a very mixed environment with mostly 65% of the computers were Macs and over 100 Linux servers. Although those machines were bound to the domain and were always connected to the network, many would still fail to update the records in DNS. This behavior caused an issue where the automatic Windows DNS Scavenging deleted legit records of our Linux servers and it caused and great problem. (Thank God for backups!).
I decided to come up with a workaround... Instead of using the default DNS Scavenging provided in DNS manager, I decided to write a Powershell script that would get the stale records from the zone and match them with the computer object in AD. Then use, the OperatingSystem field value of that computer object to decide whether I would delete the A record or not. In the end, you can have the script send you an email with the report so you can have a Windows scheduled task do that for you every Saturday or so!
Below is the code:
Written by Mr. Hiraldo -
This script is provided AS IS and I am not responsible for any damages caused. Removing DNS records could be a problem on your network. Contact your administrator and REALLY think this through before using it.
Import-Module activedirectory
#Change value DeletingEnabled to $true if you want to delete the Stale DNS Records
$DeletingEnabled = $true
Function DeleteDNSRecord($Record)
$Owner = $Record.OwnerName
$IPAddress = $Record.IPAddress
Write-host "Deleting $Owner $IPAddress"
Get-WmiObject -Computer $ServerName -Namespace "root\MicrosoftDNS" -Class "MicrosoftDNS_AType" -Filter "IPAddress = '$IPAddress' AND OwnerName = '$Owner'" | Remove-WmiObject
return "Yes"
return "No"
#The variable Pathdir is used for logging later. Configure to whatever folder you'd like.
$Pathdir = "C:\Scripts\DNSScavenging"
$reportObject = @()
$NotInAD = @()
$TotalAgingInterval = 14 #It will delete records older than what specified here.
$Date = get-date -format 'yyyy.MM.dd'
$ServerName = "" #Choose your DNS server here.
$ContainerName = ""
$DomainZone = "DomainDNSZones." + $ContainerName
$MinTimeStamp = [Int](New-TimeSpan `
-Start $(Get-Date("01/01/1601 00:00")) `
-End $((Get-Date).AddDays(-$TotalAgingInterval))).TotalHours
Write-Host "Gathering DNS A Records... Please wait" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Get-WMIObject -Computer $ServerName `
-Namespace "root\MicrosoftDNS" -Class "MicrosoftDNS_AType" `
-Filter `
"ContainerName='$ContainerName' AND TimeStamp<$MinTimeStamp AND TimeStamp<>0" `
| Select-Object OwnerName, `
@{n="TimeStamp";e={(Get-Date("01/01/1601")).AddHours($_.TimeStamp)}}, IPAddress, TTL | Export-csv -path "$Pathdir\AllStaleDNSRecords.csv"
Write-Host "Gathering DNS A Records completed!" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Searching DNS A Records in AD... Please wait" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$DNSRecords = Import-Csv -Path "$Pathdir\AllStaleDNSRecords.csv"
foreach ($Record in $DNSRecords)
if (($Record.OwnerName -ne $ContainerName)-and ($Record.OwnerName -ne $DomainZone))
$hostname = $Record.OwnerName
$IPAddress = $Record.IPAddress
$ADObject = Get-ADComputer -filter {(DNSHostName -like $hostname)} -Properties OperatingSystem, DistinguishedName
if($ADObject -ne $null)
if(($ADObject.OperatingSystem -ne $null) -and (($ADObject.Operatingsystem -like "*Windows XP*") -or ($ADObject.OperatingSystem -like "*Windows 7*") -or ($ADObject.OperatingSystem -like "*Windows 8*") -or ($ADObject.OperatingSystem -like "Mac OS X")))
$output = "" | Select DNSOwnerName, ADName,OperatingSystem, IPAddress, TTL, TimeStamp, Deleted, DistinguishedName
$output.DNSOwnerName = $hostname
$output.ADName = $ADObject.Name
$output.OperatingSystem = $ADObject.OperatingSystem
$output.IPAddress = $IPAddress
$output.TTL = $Record.TTL
$output.TimeStamp = $Record.TimeStamp
$output.DistinguishedName = $ADObject.DistinguishedName
if ($DeletingEnabled -eq $true)
$output.Deleted = DeleteDNSRecord($Record)
$output.Deleted = "Deleting Not Enabled"
$reportObject += $output
Write-Host "Record doesn't exist in AD and will be deleted." $hostname
$Erroutput = "" | Select DNSOwnerName, IPAddress, TTL, TimeStamp, Deleted
$Erroutput.DNSOwnerName = $Record.OwnerName
$Erroutput.IPAddress = $Record.IPAddress
$Erroutput.TTL = $Record.TTL
$Erroutput.TimeStamp = $Record.TimeStamp
if ($DeletingEnabled -eq $true)
$Erroutput.Deleted = DeleteDNSRecord($Record)
$Erroutput.Deleted = "Deleting Not Enabled"
$NotInAD += $Erroutput
Write-Host "Scavenging Maintenance Complete! Exporting to CSV.." -ForegroundColor Green
$reportObject | Export-csv -path "$Pathdir\DNSRecords-to-delete-with-ADinfo-$Date.csv"
$NotInAD | Export-csv -path "$Pathdir\DNSRecords-NotInAD-Deleted-$Date.csv"
$to = ""
$Subject = "DNS Scavenging Report for $Date"
$Body = "Hello Team,`nThe following reports attached show the DNS records scanvenged from zone $ContainerName"
$Relay = ""
$From = ""
$Attach = "$Pathdir\DNSRecords-to-delete-with-ADinfo-$Date.csv", "$Pathdir\DNSRecords-NotInAD-Deleted-$Date.csv"
#Send the Email and attachment
Send-MailMessage -to $to -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -SmtpServer $Relay -Attachments $Attach -From $From
I used to work for a company that had a very large AD-Integrated DNS zone with more than 100,000 A records in it. We, the Engineering team, decided to enable DNS Scavenging in the zone to delete the stale records. In other words, records that for one reason or another, would not update themselves and the Timestamp was already older than what we wanted. We had a very mixed environment with mostly 65% of the computers were Macs and over 100 Linux servers. Although those machines were bound to the domain and were always connected to the network, many would still fail to update the records in DNS. This behavior caused an issue where the automatic Windows DNS Scavenging deleted legit records of our Linux servers and it caused and great problem. (Thank God for backups!).
I decided to come up with a workaround... Instead of using the default DNS Scavenging provided in DNS manager, I decided to write a Powershell script that would get the stale records from the zone and match them with the computer object in AD. Then use, the OperatingSystem field value of that computer object to decide whether I would delete the A record or not. In the end, you can have the script send you an email with the report so you can have a Windows scheduled task do that for you every Saturday or so!
Below is the code:
Written by Mr. Hiraldo -
This script is provided AS IS and I am not responsible for any damages caused. Removing DNS records could be a problem on your network. Contact your administrator and REALLY think this through before using it.
Import-Module activedirectory
#Change value DeletingEnabled to $true if you want to delete the Stale DNS Records
$DeletingEnabled = $true
Function DeleteDNSRecord($Record)
$Owner = $Record.OwnerName
$IPAddress = $Record.IPAddress
Write-host "Deleting $Owner $IPAddress"
Get-WmiObject -Computer $ServerName -Namespace "root\MicrosoftDNS" -Class "MicrosoftDNS_AType" -Filter "IPAddress = '$IPAddress' AND OwnerName = '$Owner'" | Remove-WmiObject
return "Yes"
return "No"
#The variable Pathdir is used for logging later. Configure to whatever folder you'd like.
$Pathdir = "C:\Scripts\DNSScavenging"
$reportObject = @()
$NotInAD = @()
$TotalAgingInterval = 14 #It will delete records older than what specified here.
$Date = get-date -format 'yyyy.MM.dd'
$ServerName = "" #Choose your DNS server here.
$ContainerName = ""
$DomainZone = "DomainDNSZones." + $ContainerName
$MinTimeStamp = [Int](New-TimeSpan `
-Start $(Get-Date("01/01/1601 00:00")) `
-End $((Get-Date).AddDays(-$TotalAgingInterval))).TotalHours
Write-Host "Gathering DNS A Records... Please wait" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Get-WMIObject -Computer $ServerName `
-Namespace "root\MicrosoftDNS" -Class "MicrosoftDNS_AType" `
-Filter `
"ContainerName='$ContainerName' AND TimeStamp<$MinTimeStamp AND TimeStamp<>0" `
| Select-Object OwnerName, `
@{n="TimeStamp";e={(Get-Date("01/01/1601")).AddHours($_.TimeStamp)}}, IPAddress, TTL | Export-csv -path "$Pathdir\AllStaleDNSRecords.csv"
Write-Host "Gathering DNS A Records completed!" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Searching DNS A Records in AD... Please wait" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$DNSRecords = Import-Csv -Path "$Pathdir\AllStaleDNSRecords.csv"
foreach ($Record in $DNSRecords)
if (($Record.OwnerName -ne $ContainerName)-and ($Record.OwnerName -ne $DomainZone))
$hostname = $Record.OwnerName
$IPAddress = $Record.IPAddress
$ADObject = Get-ADComputer -filter {(DNSHostName -like $hostname)} -Properties OperatingSystem, DistinguishedName
if($ADObject -ne $null)
if(($ADObject.OperatingSystem -ne $null) -and (($ADObject.Operatingsystem -like "*Windows XP*") -or ($ADObject.OperatingSystem -like "*Windows 7*") -or ($ADObject.OperatingSystem -like "*Windows 8*") -or ($ADObject.OperatingSystem -like "Mac OS X")))
$output = "" | Select DNSOwnerName, ADName,OperatingSystem, IPAddress, TTL, TimeStamp, Deleted, DistinguishedName
$output.DNSOwnerName = $hostname
$output.ADName = $ADObject.Name
$output.OperatingSystem = $ADObject.OperatingSystem
$output.IPAddress = $IPAddress
$output.TTL = $Record.TTL
$output.TimeStamp = $Record.TimeStamp
$output.DistinguishedName = $ADObject.DistinguishedName
if ($DeletingEnabled -eq $true)
$output.Deleted = DeleteDNSRecord($Record)
$output.Deleted = "Deleting Not Enabled"
$reportObject += $output
Write-Host "Record doesn't exist in AD and will be deleted." $hostname
$Erroutput = "" | Select DNSOwnerName, IPAddress, TTL, TimeStamp, Deleted
$Erroutput.DNSOwnerName = $Record.OwnerName
$Erroutput.IPAddress = $Record.IPAddress
$Erroutput.TTL = $Record.TTL
$Erroutput.TimeStamp = $Record.TimeStamp
if ($DeletingEnabled -eq $true)
$Erroutput.Deleted = DeleteDNSRecord($Record)
$Erroutput.Deleted = "Deleting Not Enabled"
$NotInAD += $Erroutput
Write-Host "Scavenging Maintenance Complete! Exporting to CSV.." -ForegroundColor Green
$reportObject | Export-csv -path "$Pathdir\DNSRecords-to-delete-with-ADinfo-$Date.csv"
$NotInAD | Export-csv -path "$Pathdir\DNSRecords-NotInAD-Deleted-$Date.csv"
$to = ""
$Subject = "DNS Scavenging Report for $Date"
$Body = "Hello Team,`nThe following reports attached show the DNS records scanvenged from zone $ContainerName"
$Relay = ""
$From = ""
$Attach = "$Pathdir\DNSRecords-to-delete-with-ADinfo-$Date.csv", "$Pathdir\DNSRecords-NotInAD-Deleted-$Date.csv"
#Send the Email and attachment
Send-MailMessage -to $to -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -SmtpServer $Relay -Attachments $Attach -From $From
Very useful PS script. We run this in our environment and found it to be very useful. Just 1 question though, what is the basis for the objects belonging in the "Not in AD" output
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